Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Better Off As Friends

Sorry I don't have more to say about this episode... but let's be real: no sparks between LC and Doug? Stevie Wonder could have seen this one coming...

I will say I like Audrina less and less with every passing day. Lauren and Brody need to get back together, and Whitney's NY experience was the most awkward experience I could ever imagine. If my boss ever invited some random dude to drinks (on the assumption it was a group activity) and then PEACED OUT once the dude showed up?!?! I would be livid. How lame did that make Whitney look?? Like a desperate, pathetic loser. (And for the record, the "model" wasn't even that hot) I think Whitney could have done better on her own.

Episode gets a B- (and that's generous)

UPDATE: Ahna and I further discussed this episode...

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